Clitoria Ternatea, Gokarna (Blue) – Plant


Images are for reference purposes only. Actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc. The product is replaceable but not returnable.

If you have space to spare, make an impressive display in your balcony, outdoor garden with a great eye-catcher Clitoria Ternatea, Gokarna (Blue) – Plant.


What makes it special:

  • One of the best flowering plants.
  • The perfect plant for an outdoor garden and sunny balcony.
  • Its elegant flower will increase the ornamental look of your house.
  • Requires very little care and maintenance.
Sr Item name
1 Clitoria Ternatea, Gokarna (Blue) – Plant
2 5 inch (13 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)

Clitoria ternatea a perennial leguminous flowering herb belonging to the Fabaceae family and commonly known as blue pea, butterfly pea, and Darwin pea. This wonderful twining plant generously bears quite large flowers which are a beautiful shade of vivid cobalt blue with a white throat.

The flowers are presented upside down – the keel petal appears on the top rather than the underside. It produces slender new annual stems that grow up to 3 meters long from the woody base each year.

Plant Specifications

Plant Height 12 inch (30 cm)
Plant Spread 5 inch (13 cm)
*above specifications are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Asian pigeonwings, bluebellvine, blue pea, butterfly pea, cordofan pea, and Darwin pea, Aparajita, Gokarna.
Maximum Reachable Height 15 to 25 feet
Flower Colour Blue
Bloom Time June
Difficulty Level Easy to grow.


  • Keep the plant outdoor with bright direct natural light.


  • The soil should be well-drained and rich in organic content for growing the Gokarna plant.


  • Water the plant when the topsoil (1-2 inches) in the pot feels dry to touch.
  • Do not overwater the plant.
  • Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in the winter and rainy seasons.

Application of Fertilizer

  • During the main growing season (April – August) feed the Gokarna plant with organic fertilizer once a month.
  • Loosen the topsoil without disturbing the roots of the plant so it can uptake the nutrients and moisture easily.


  • When a plant outgrows in the current pot, re-pot with fresh potting soil and some fertilizer.
  • Do the re-potting late evening and keep the plant in a shady area for 2 to 3 days and then move the plant in its suitable climatic condition.

Plant Protection

  • Remove dead, infected, or damaged plant parts and discard them away from the plants.
  • For any insect attack or disease, you can use Neem oil, Eucalyptus oil or Citrus oil spray for primary treatment.


  • Do not overwater the plant especially when the pot does not have drainage holes.
  • Avoid applying water on flowers and leaves it may cause fungus infection.

Clitoria Ternatea Care

Initial care for 1-2 weeks after receiving plant at your location:

  • Check the moisture in the soil before watering it.
  • Poke your finger into the soil, if dry then apply water.
  • Keep the plant in indirect bright light.
  • Do not re-pot immediately after receiving it.

Key requirements to keep the plant healthy:

Sunlight Bright natural light.
  • Water the plant when the topsoil (1-2 inches) in the pot feels dry to touch.
  • Do not overwater the plant.
  • Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in the winter and rainy seasons.
Soil Well-draining and nutrient-rich.
Temperature 19 to 28 degrees C.
Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer.

Clitoria Ternatea Special Feature

Grown on a support such as a trellis. Weave through a hedge.

Clitoria Ternatea Uses

Ornamental Use:

  • The plant is used for an ornamental purpose

Medicinal Use:

  • The flowers are mixed with water in a preparation used to treat eye problems
  • The roots are bitter, powerfully cathartic, diuretic, and purgative
  • The seeds contain fixed oil, a bitter resinous principle, and tannins
  • Note: Note: The following information is general guidelines, be sure to ask your healthcare provider for guidelines

It contains

Sr Item name
1 Clitoria Ternatea, Gokarna (Blue) – Plant
2 5 inch (13 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)